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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Nazi watch alert

the case for a long expected obituary, or why that old demented senile is going to rot in hell

Ass Breathed Brown-Noser Norman Podhoretz hasn't die yet , because he will appear on Cspan book TV to promote his latest excremental outburst, "World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism", Norman Podhoretz is the Zionist genocidal maniac who endorses and promotes a nuclear strike on Iran, and is, according to his own word, praying god for it. He is also the gastrointestinal virus who wrote in 2003, " The secret Nazi underground, and the scientific search for Hitler's base on the dark side of the moon". Sometime you'd wish an Anus-Invading twerp like Doktor Podhoretz could drown in the excremental fabrics of his natural habitat.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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