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Friday, September 21, 2007

Two of a kind

the infectious Senator & the itchy president

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should be physically prevented from visiting Ground Zero should he attempt to go to the "sacred" site where the World Trade Center once stood", Arizona Sen. John McCain joked....And you Senator McCain, you should be committed to a mental institution, you semi-senile homicidal nutcase. But thanks to the infantilistic Dingus, it is finally soul relieving to be aware that Iran, not Osama bin Laden, not Saddam Hussein, was responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attack. Besides the latest US public campaign to paint Iranian president as Hitler's carbon copy, and the outrage in regard to his intention of visiting "Ground Zero", the problem with America, is that pathological inability to be honest about anything.

Yes indeed, Iran laws punish specific cases of male homosexuality by death, so does Saudi Arabia. There is a strong anti-Zionist resentment among Iranian society, opposed to the Anti-Semitic rhetoric's of Saudi Arabia....
Is Iran supporting terrorism ?, probably, but what about the US ?, who has certainly the most notorious rap sheet in that particular area. Not only limiting itself of supporting terrorism, the US has been and still is actively engaged in state terrorism. But again let's us forget about the July 1988 incident, in which the US destroyer USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner flying over the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, killing 300 people. let's us forget present days, where Iranian elements backed, financed and armed by the US, are conducting daily terrorist attacks against civilian targets inside Iran. Good idea, Let's us ignore the stench of hypocrisy....America provided Iraq with weapons, intelligence and the deadly components necessary to build the notorious Iraqi chemical & biological weaponry, but to be fair, they also used to provide Iran with the same.....In regard to 9/11. Iran officially denounced the 9/11 attacks & expressed its solidarity with the US, there were public mass-demonstrations of support for the US throughout Iran on the day, and days following the attacks. But the Booze-Hounded Senator John rabies from Arizona wants you to believe that Iran is the epiphany of evil, when in fact he was the son of a bitch who used to drop explosives ordinances from the safety of 30,000 feet, on Vietnam's cities and villages, some 30 years ago. You such a great Navy pilot hero Senator McCain, especially since North Vietnam didn't have an Air Force.







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