The little brat of new reactionary atheism
"Some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them."
On torture
"We should say we don't do it, We should say it's reprehensible. And then do it anyway.....". Sam Harris.
Sam Harris's Faith in Eastern Spirituality and Muslim Torture
by John Gorenfeld
I used to enjoy Harris work, before he started engaging in issues he knows nothing about, & reveals himself a despicable little bigot & trumpet for war. Harris, You don't know shit about geopolitics & history, stay the fuck away from it, but you're in good company with buffoon Christopher hitchens. Your hysterical phobia of Arabs & Muslims must keep you warm during those long cold nights of Islamo-Fascsist watch shift. keep bending that religious spoon, it's what you do best.