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Friday, July 25, 2008

The taming of Danielle Pletka

The hysterical neo-Fascist cunt from the AEI was alongside Ayad Allawi to debate the surge in Iraq before the House Foreign Affairs SubCmte on Capitol Hill, Wednesday. During the session she made quite a few hilarious comments.

Wednesday's hearing featured foreign policy experts from both sides of the withdrawal debate, including Danielle Pletka of the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute. Pletka countered Allawi's call to consider Iraqi public opinion, saying that American commanders should be given full authority to decide the course of the US military presence in the coming years.

"[The] conduct of war and the protection of our national security is not a popularity contest," Pletka said. "Mob rule does not decide how a President deploys troops in his role as commander in chief, nor how the Congress allocates money with its power of the purse."

In testimony before Allawi, Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute pooh-poohed Iraqi public opinion, which is strongly opposed to a continuing US presence. The only thing that matters, said Pletka, a hardcore neocon, is what America wants, Iraqi public opinion be damned. She ridiculed Iraqis, suggesting that most Iraqis believe that there were no Jews in the World Trade Center on 9/11. "If we polled Iraqis about the number of Jews in the World Trade Center, their answer is not likely to reflect reality," she huffed. So why take Iraqis seriously when they say that they want US forces to withdraw?.

Pletka was also moderating a debate with yet another neo-Consevative fruit cake Kimberly Kagan, neo-Conservative think tank clown Frederick Kagan (husband of fruit cake Kimberly....),and retired U.S. Army toy soldier General Jack Keane,







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