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Sunday, February 3, 2008

The official policy of moral leprosy,

showcasing political vermin at its best

America is an antisocial adolescent's wet dream. Populated by intellectually limited, superstitious individuals with fractured psyches, short attention spans, and a penchant for anything that can momentarily lift them out of their ignorant & childish understanding of the world. America loves to pretend to be the unique world leading democracy (and which electoral process gave the world, the Bush-Cheney can of worms...). It is a hyper radical & emotional society that worships false moral certainties, and excels at recycling every type of phantasies, fairy tales, mythologies inventions and creations known to primates. A society that cannot deal with particular challenge without resorting to emotional hysteria, and whose psycho-sociological pathology almost always leads to a reassuring exaltation of superiority & uniqueness. A society whose perception of itself, is as self deceptive as ridiculous, in its ideological simplicity.

And this is the reason, they are degenerate enough to throw down our throats, these Nazi like characters at the dawn of the 21th century







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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