The deontology according to maggot
Some of us certainly used to believe that, Christopher Hitchens was that paper-pusher for vanity Fair magazine, & neo-conservative pundit-puppet. Well, it turns out, he was in fact the excremental Maggot interchangeable with private Lyndie England, who got caught masturbating with an album of Abu Ghraib tortures photos inside Condi rice's bathroom, at the State Department.
There is one thing that piss me off, more than anything. It is when Hitchens starts one of his debate or lecture with, Ladies & Gentlemen, "Brothers & Sisters.....". The sight of that obscene chubby gaseous deformity, is powerful enough to induces bowels movements, but fortunately his melodious voice & lovely accent, always act as the deterrent, which prevents me from punching my eyes with the sharpest pencil around. Hitchens is the pathetic, but eloquent decoction of exotic bile whose capacity to preserve himself from total rottenness, is due to his ability to pickle himself into his own liquid inconsistency. I always find particularly disgusting his attempt at rationalizing the US military mass slaughter of Iraqi civilians. For his tireless effort at undermining & dismissing the million dead Iraqis, he deserves nothing but the profoundest contempt.
Hitchen's pseudo intellectualism is a bitter representation of his sheer mediocrity and profound insecurity, for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. He is that war mongering vermin, latest blood soaked ambassador of the Pax Americana, who achieves near sexual gratification at dispensing crash course on liberty & freedom, American style, while also having being personally involved in the diffusion of the Bush mental illness, who's legacy is a major contribution to the rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler. Hitchens is the case that reminds us, that under particular circumstance, sexual intercourse without preservative should be made illegal. He is the moral atheistic equivalent of a colostomy bag.
Go fuck yourself Mr Hitchens, you dogmatic dismissive elitist nitwit. Ironically what comes out of your mouth has the same smell of what comes out of your rectum.