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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Queen of sleaze

When dirty politics Snuff freedom of speech

You have an "indignatio impetus" directed at the wrong issue, Hillary. Who gives a shit about who is pimping who in the Clinton family, you menopausal fruitcake. Your husband was a pathetic jack-rabbit, he got blown in the oval office, lied about it ,and had to lie again in order to cover the lie, yourself have been twisting, distorting the truth about almost everything that comes out of your mouth, and today you are the one who is supposed to tell others the boundaries of decency. Your daughter is not off limit, the moment she gets into the public arena, and finds herself personally involved in your political campaign, doing whatever she can to have you elected. Like any other Washington politicians, i knew you were a despicable hypocritical dirt bag, but you just confirmed that there is a strong appetite for excessiveness. What about the freedom of speech ?, are you planning to go after John Mc Cain as well, because of his personal crude joke from which your daughter is also subject ?. Are you going after Bill Maher, John stewart and others, for ridiculing the utterly corrupted & idiotic political scumbags. A journalist finds himself suspended, because he made a comment about your daughter....Where is the "democratic" principle of tolerance....because we cannot actually expect you to demonstrate any sense of humour, in regard to anything that may concern your holy family. The French rubles once famously reacted to similar institutionalized behavior.... You & the rest of the dismissive elitist politician class, have yet to face an exposure with humility & reality. You have a superiority complex that is not justified.

In the dirty & musky swamps of politics, coming across mediocre, dysfunctional, disingenuous hypocritical slugs is a deed, but you certainly are expressing a remarkable uniqueness.







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