Anyone who told you to visit this blog, couldn't have given you any worse advice.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Snuff justice, get use to it

Antonin Scalia, the supreme court only grease-ball associate justice & ultra conservative scumbag, is a smelly & icky old man who uses the constitution as toilet paper, when ordered by Dick Cheney, Once again, the authoritarian genital herpes is demonstrating how contemptuous of the democratic process he really is. Scalia is the son of an Italian immigrant, and originally a bureaucratic slug, a monument to sleazyness who managed to rise to jurisprudence prominence. Scalia is also a notorious member of the Catholic lodge P2 ,an ultra radical & neo-Fascist secret society, whose members famously indulge in pedophilia, cross dressing and backward bible reading. Yes !, Fuck the constitution & the rule of law, Antonin, (what a faggish name by the way...), all we need is a rope and a tree to rid the world of dismissive vermin like yourself.

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