When embarrassment is not enough
you have no idea shit stacked that high
Video interview
Holocaust denier & Middle East history revisionist, Douglas Feith, the magnificent & absolute Chump who has being labeled as "the dumbest man in Washington DC", was a guest on Cspan Book TV. The zealous hawkish spokesperson for the disastrous invasion of Iraq, still remains one of the greatest propelling tool for its pseudo- justification. Feith is a gastro-intestinal virus, a disingenuous & deceitful micro-organism, a bureaucratic parasite entirely destitute of the capacity of telling any kind of truth. Feith, who as the under secretary of defense for policy, headed the Office of Special Plans, a secretive group of alternative intelligence experts, UFO buffs and conspiracy theorists, was one of the architects & decision makers in the run up to the war, still believes that Saddam Hussein possessed a large stockpile of nuclear & bio-chemical weapons, but according to his own intelligence assessment, those weapons have been moved to the dark side of the moon. Saddam Hussein was not only entangled in a sinister web of acrimonious relationship with Osama Bin Laden, extreme-left French radicals, child pornographers & snuff movie producers, but with Grey Aliens as well. Feith, whose intellectual ability rivals a 14 yr old trying to go through puberty, recuses any accusation & denies responsibility for the truckload of garbage, he & his disinformation shop have disseminated into the political discourse for years. "I was surrounded by idiots", laments Feith, you may blame Powell, Armitage, Bremer, Rumsfeld, Rice, Bush, and the Jews, but leave me out of this equation. I was only but one of the key chickenhawks, besides i was occasionally living on this planet & haven't lost much sleep on this matter anyway. Don't read a single word of his book, stupidity idiocy can be contagious indeed.
By the way, why hasn't this lying, clownish deceitful bureaucratic thug been deported to Syria yet?