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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Swallow me this one

What next ?, a masturbation barometer & regulator

When does kinky porn become illegal?

What is obscene is the sheer hypocrisy of those individuals, elected, non-elected officials, community, civil leaders, personalities, authorities who want to impose unilaterally on the rest of us their redefined conception of ethics, values and moral, while more than half of a million individuals in Iraq, have been slaughtered under the cloak of an "humanitarian" principle, and thousands are still loosing their lives on monthly base, courtesy of an American orgy of blood, piss, shit and blood. This debauchery of death & cold meat doesn't seem to be a priority on the agenda of our new "moralists".....At the same time, & for 50 years, the policy of the state of Israel have submitted the Palestinians to living conditions, that most English citizens wouldn't find appropriate for their own domestic animals, but here again, shortage of outrage....The obscenity is also to observe Western plutocrats incessant ballet of deference & mouth service to dictatorial Chinese leaders & authoritarian Middle Eastern oligarchies, leaving lipstick marks around the rectum area of a few.....Go ahead, ban "extreme sex" (whatever the definition of it..), but next time someone gets rapped by an individual who doesn't have anything to do with the so called "extreme sex" subculture, i want a law that imposes all males without exception, to wear a fucking chastity belt, and to restrict the removal of the device only when they are inside their homes or places of residence.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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