Bring it on
A thought for the trolls at Hitchens Watch
Out of respect for my fellow blogging Friends at Hitchens Watch, i have restricted my reactions to particular comments made by a bunch of trolls. But this is my personal playground (and since many of you are actually lurking around this site), i wanted to let you take a look at what i have specifically in mind for you. You whining little bitches thought i was mean, you haven't seen nothing yet. I would cut your testicles and feed my dog with its. Especially someone responding to the ridiculous nick of " Eats, Shoots & Leaves". A closeted pedophile & woman hater who happens to be frantically obsessed with the size of my penis, and with the personal life of one of Hitchens Watch female contributor. I am working my Voodoo doll like hell on you, or may i buy you a gun and send you on a week end retreat in the Appalachians.