The lucrative side of victimization
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the missing link between female genitalia and anti Muslim bigotry
Among the mainstream in the U.S. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is regarded as the Wonder-woman of women's rights, but no mention is ever made about the "backstage players with whom she aligned herself, and her interaction with everything from pro-Zionist lobbies, neo conservative think tanks, and the cream of fringe far-right politics. Individual like, in Holland, Theo Van Gogh & Pim Fortuyn the controversial gay Catholic figure of the rabid anti Muslim Dutch far-right. The same man who quoted, "Islam is backward culture" "if it were legally possible i would close the borders for Muslim immigrants...".....Ayaan Hirsi Ali intellectually stands just as extreme and hostile as some of the fundamentalists she attacks. a very popular polarizing figure who perfectly defends the enlightened West at war with the demonic world of Islam. making her the latest darling & echo chamber of the right wing anti Arab rhetoric. In fact, Ali's greviances have nothing to do with Islam as she claims, but more to do with cultural practices anterior to Islamic cultures.