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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Open letter to Ian Masters

The betrayal of critical thinking

Ian Masters real problems begin and end in his own heedless inconsistency. He dismiss & mocks the "conspiracy theorists" who spend half of their lives digging on who shot JFK,RFK and Martin Luther King, but he on his very own and on weekly base, devotes a substantial amount of his time doing the very same thing in regard to the bush administration activities. He has a cohort of guests, like Colonel Larry Wilkerson, Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who publicly stated that a secret "cabal" headed by Dick Cheney, hijacked the office of the president of the United States, and deliberately engaged the country in a war based on lies and deceptions. I guess according to Ian Masters own standard, and his personal concept of blinding light of reality, Larry Wilkerson & his kind ,in fact also belong to the same kind of conspiratorial nut case that he cherishes at ridiculing. Further down the program, he cites Seymour Hersh and other investigative reporters for making the case, that the Bush administration in coordination with Israel, is planning to attack Iran before the end of the year....What the fuck are you talking about, Ian Masters, are you some kind of conspiratorial freak yourself. So if i understand you correctly, and according to your infinite wisdom, there are true conspiracies (the ones who believe in....), and the rest which are not worth any interest, because you've decided so. What kind of rational is that ?. I think you need some type of exposure to humility. You personally believe like most of the rest of the world, that Bush and his cronies have manipulated the intelligence, use propaganda lies and false informations, in order to create a situation from which they engaged a group of nations into a military conflict with Iraq, resulting in the mass slaughter of a million individuals, and the total destruction of a sovereign nation, but it is simply impossible for you to fathom the idea that a secretive socio-political agenda might be behind the assassination of individuals like JFK, or Martin Luther King. What are the background ontological circumstances behind this kind of twisted logic & your cherry picking moral certainty. Short attention span, fractured psyche ?......

I love your radio program, you are a very smart individual but i find very difficult to listen to the program, and the reason is, you speak more than the person who is supposed to act as a guest. I don't mean to be offensive Ian, and again i would state that i find you very smart & right on most of the issues , your intelligence & your understanding of the issues discussed on your programs, has never been questioned. To cut a long story short, we are aware of how smart you are, you don't have to prove it to anyone. I am actually tormented between the duality of, my personal interest ( keep on listening to your program), and my personal feeling (finding the format of the program exasperating, and stop listening).
I guess you could do without the snot, but somehow you are overwhelmed by it.

Matt Taibbi-Kevin Phillips.mp3







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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