How i learned to love rotten and dead
"Orgy of mawkishness, sloppiness & false sentiment". Hitchens Slate Magazine Tuesday, April 24, 2007.
Christopher Hitchens Remembers Tim Russert
Fuck you Tim Russert, and the" Do not speak ill of the dead" syndrome
So Christopher "tears for Fears" Hitchens thinks it is actually almost unbearable to think of Tim Russert dying so soon after celebrating the graduation of his beloved son, Luke, and you dear readers are in the mean time invited to consider sharing a moment of hyper-emotionality with the Johnny Walker of crackpot journalism...Do not speak ill of the dead, says who ?. Hitchens never had any particular problem tearing a new one to Lady di after he fatal accident in Paris (in fact i did the same...),he also took a monumental piss on Jerry Falwell corpse, the intolerant religious circus freak, when that old hateful monckey was recallled by his creator, so why are we invited to act like good Christians today by a man who seem to relish at urinating and defecating on traditional morality. I personally believe that what is actually almost unbearable, is the crassest hypocrisy imaginable in regard to the death of one single individual who failed to do his job, and personally participated in the criminal propaganda of the Bush administration, an enterprise which took the lives of a million individuals & reduced a country into o pile of rubbles and open sewer. In fact neither Russert or anyone in the American mainstream media never mentioned the number of Iraqi casualties. So, one son of a bitch is gone, who's next in line, that pathetic murderous sack of shit in the white house ?. Don't expect me to share a tear for someone who never gave a shit but for himself & his precious career. Crocodile is not my fetish pet , anyway.
Thanks to angrysoba from Hitchens Watch for the Jerry Falwell correction