Sociological bondage
Sex work is different from sex slavery, aver carnal toilers
By Martha Rosemberg
There are several people in this world who find me unbearably obnoxious
Sex work is different from sex slavery, aver carnal toilers
By Martha Rosemberg
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 11:48 PM
Brussels to sign away your private details to US
By David Leppard
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 11:15 PM
Vidal: Bush ended U.S. as a republic
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 9:08 AM
Military official: Iran digging 320,000 graves for invaders
US about to attack Iran, and pigs can fly
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 8:02 AM
House Judiciary Subcmte. Hearing on Guantanamo Bay Interrogation Rules
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 4:47 AM
The betrayal of critical thinking
Ian Masters real problems begin and end in his own heedless inconsistency. He dismiss & mocks the "conspiracy theorists" who spend half of their lives digging on who shot JFK,RFK and Martin Luther King, but he on his very own and on weekly base, devotes a substantial amount of his time doing the very same thing in regard to the bush administration activities. He has a cohort of guests, like Colonel Larry Wilkerson, Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who publicly stated that a secret "cabal" headed by Dick Cheney, hijacked the office of the president of the United States, and deliberately engaged the country in a war based on lies and deceptions. I guess according to Ian Masters own standard, and his personal concept of blinding light of reality, Larry Wilkerson & his kind ,in fact also belong to the same kind of conspiratorial nut case that he cherishes at ridiculing. Further down the program, he cites Seymour Hersh and other investigative reporters for making the case, that the Bush administration in coordination with Israel, is planning to attack Iran before the end of the year....What the fuck are you talking about, Ian Masters, are you some kind of conspiratorial freak yourself. So if i understand you correctly, and according to your infinite wisdom, there are true conspiracies (the ones who believe in....), and the rest which are not worth any interest, because you've decided so. What kind of rational is that ?. I think you need some type of exposure to humility. You personally believe like most of the rest of the world, that Bush and his cronies have manipulated the intelligence, use propaganda lies and false informations, in order to create a situation from which they engaged a group of nations into a military conflict with Iraq, resulting in the mass slaughter of a million individuals, and the total destruction of a sovereign nation, but it is simply impossible for you to fathom the idea that a secretive socio-political agenda might be behind the assassination of individuals like JFK, or Martin Luther King. What are the background ontological circumstances behind this kind of twisted logic & your cherry picking moral certainty. Short attention span, fractured psyche ?......
I love your radio program, you are a very smart individual but i find very difficult to listen to the program, and the reason is, you speak more than the person who is supposed to act as a guest. I don't mean to be offensive Ian, and again i would state that i find you very smart & right on most of the issues , your intelligence & your understanding of the issues discussed on your programs, has never been questioned. To cut a long story short, we are aware of how smart you are, you don't have to prove it to anyone. I am actually tormented between the duality of, my personal interest ( keep on listening to your program), and my personal feeling (finding the format of the program exasperating, and stop listening).
I guess you could do without the snot, but somehow you are overwhelmed by it.
Matt Taibbi-Kevin Phillips.mp3
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 5:28 AM
On the science of turning vomitus,feces,urine,phlegm & flatus into virtual reality
Hugh "the bug" Hewit, radio talk host & bottom-feeding extraordinaire is a twerp who spent most of his life under a rock, & the rest of it, feeding on hate & bigotry filled fecal sandwiches.
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 10:32 PM
In the service of the Jewish state
By Shraga Elam and Dennis Whitehead
In the late 1940s, Walther (Walter) Rauff, an SS officer who was responsible for the murder of at least 100,000 people and was wanted by the Allies as a war criminal, was employed by the Israeli secret service. Instead of bringing him to justice it paid him for his services and helped him escape to South America. Documents of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that have been released over the past several years show that the Americans were aware that Rauff's case was not exceptional
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 10:27 AM
"The message is that there are no 'knowns'. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. So when we do the best we can and we pull all this information together, and we then say, well that's basically what we see as the situation ..."
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, June 6, 2002
by Tom Barry
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 9:06 AM
While the big dog is sharing a tear, Hitchens is having his bone
It's my party, i'll cry if i want to
Hitchens: "I might orgasm in my trousers" over fall of Bill Clinton
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 4:36 AM
I always had fun at dismembering the ilk of Grover Norquist, one of those hyper- inhibited conservative basket case who relishes at spending hours debating with quasi sexual gratification, the evil of tax, regulations & governmental never ending assault on predatory capitalism. Grover Norquist is the ultra conservative clown who became famous for saying that the Estate Tax is morally equivalent to the Nazi Holocaust, calling World War II generation“anti-American,“because in addition their demographic base is shrinking. Each year, 2 million people who fought in the Second World War and lived through the Great Depression die. This generation has been an exception in American history, because it has defended anti-American policies. They voted for the creation of the welfare state and obligatory military service. They are the base of the Democratic Party. And they are dying. And, at the same time, all the time more Americans have stocks. That makes them defend the interests of business, because it is their own interest. Because of that, it’s impossible to bring to the fore policies of social hate, of class warfare.”
But fortunaltly, our dear friend Grover doesn't mind playing the racial card as well, and he has a label for Barack Obama.
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 4:06 AM
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 1:27 AM
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the missing link between female genitalia and anti Muslim bigotry
Among the mainstream in the U.S. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is regarded as the Wonder-woman of women's rights, but no mention is ever made about the "backstage players with whom she aligned herself, and her interaction with everything from pro-Zionist lobbies, neo conservative think tanks, and the cream of fringe far-right politics. Individual like, in Holland, Theo Van Gogh & Pim Fortuyn the controversial gay Catholic figure of the rabid anti Muslim Dutch far-right. The same man who quoted, "Islam is backward culture" "if it were legally possible i would close the borders for Muslim immigrants...".....Ayaan Hirsi Ali intellectually stands just as extreme and hostile as some of the fundamentalists she attacks. a very popular polarizing figure who perfectly defends the enlightened West at war with the demonic world of Islam. making her the latest darling & echo chamber of the right wing anti Arab rhetoric. In fact, Ali's greviances have nothing to do with Islam as she claims, but more to do with cultural practices anterior to Islamic cultures.
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 12:51 AM
House Judiciary Subcmte.June 26, 2008
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 1:12 PM
David Hadington, CHeney's torture butt boy made 5 trips to Guantanamo and watch interrogations, but couldn't recall anything
arrogant aloof mother fucker
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 12:56 PM
America’s Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 10:53 PM
From the axis, only Iran remains
Bush moves to take N. Korea off terrorism list
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 9:50 PM
Pentagon "three-day blitz" plan for Iran
Sarah Baxter
If it works like the plans for Afghanistan & Iraq, you may expect victory by the end of the next century
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 2:21 PM
Scalia cites false information in Habeas dissent
By Marjorie Cohn
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 2:17 AM
Neo con prostitute being served by the grand Daddy of paleo-conservativism
The Hitchens Conundrum
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 12:22 AM
Hooded men surprising generosity towards the epitome of moral depravity
Death penalty rejected for US child rape
but it is fine to torture to death or even murder under American detention, a fake Taliban fighter or an Al Qaida "taxi driver" terrorist.
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 11:35 PM
Queen strips Mugabe from his Knighthood
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 9:04 PM
At least it wasn't a bathroom sex incident or a case of pedophilia
Republican NY Senate leader to quit amid FBI probe
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 12:33 AM
Bolton: the argument for Mephanphetamine use is sooner rather than later
Extraordinaire war-mongering
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 8:13 AM
Charlie Black On His Lobbying Career
Nuremberg 1947, a lot of Bankers, industrials used to sing the same song
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 5:12 AM
McCain, Racism and the Supreme Court
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 1:46 AM
McCain Adviser: another attack on U.S. would be "big advantage" for McCain
I bet it would, Just like 9/11 was for Bush-Cheney.
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 9:59 PM
Scalia, McCain and Yoo Push Discredited “Gitmo 30″ Talking Point
Indeed i have no problem using racial slurs towards a despicable piece of vermin like Yoo, who doesn't consider Arabs to be human enough to be covered by the most basic protection of human rights. This is the same man who declared that it would be fine under the cloack of national security to torture & crush the testicles of a young kid, in order to gain informations related to terrorism.
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 7:00 PM
Heritiers inattendus du regime tsariste
Par Moshe Lewin
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 3:52 AM
Judeo-Nazi ass-clown Bill Kristol having his public wet dream moment on Fox
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 1:38 AM
A totally lawless regime
By Paul Craig Roberts
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 12:24 AM
Open Source with Christopher Lydon
Dan Ariely: Confronting Irrationality
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 12:10 AM
A thought for the trolls at Hitchens Watch
Out of respect for my fellow blogging Friends at Hitchens Watch, i have restricted my reactions to particular comments made by a bunch of trolls. But this is my personal playground (and since many of you are actually lurking around this site), i wanted to let you take a look at what i have specifically in mind for you. You whining little bitches thought i was mean, you haven't seen nothing yet. I would cut your testicles and feed my dog with its. Especially someone responding to the ridiculous nick of " Eats, Shoots & Leaves". A closeted pedophile & woman hater who happens to be frantically obsessed with the size of my penis, and with the personal life of one of Hitchens Watch female contributor. I am working my Voodoo doll like hell on you, or may i buy you a gun and send you on a week end retreat in the Appalachians.
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 9:30 AM
Jeff Sharlet on his startling revelation of a secretive organization that seeks to acquire and hold power to advance a religious agenda. Mr. Sharlet is an investigative journalist and contributing editor for Harper's and Rolling Stone. His work has also appeared in The Washington Post, Mother Jones, New York, "The Chronicle of Higher Education", Columbia Journalism Review, Oxford American, New Statesman, The Forward, and others He is an associate research scholar at New York University's Center for Religion and Media, where he has taught journalism and religious studies. His previous book, with coauthor Peter Manseau, was Killing the Buddha, named by Publishers Weekly as one of the ten best religion titles of 2004. His new book, just published, is The Family: the Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power," in which Sharlet infiltrates the most influential and secretive fundamentalist network in America, to provide what one critic has described as the most astute and original explanation of fundamentalism and American power ever. About this book, Thomas Frank, New York Times bestselling author of What's the Matter with Kansas? has said, "Of all the important studies of the American right, THE FAMILY is undoubtedly the most eloquent. It is also quite possibly the most terrifying." Barbara Ehrenreich, New York Times bestselling author of Nickel and Dimed and Bait and Switch, said "One of the most compelling and brilliantly researched exposes you'll ever read--just don't read it alone at night!"
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 7:26 AM
The Poverty of Reaganism-Bushism
By David Michael Green
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 4:07 AM
Be my guest America, attack Iran and let the Iranians finish what the Iraqis started
UN atom watchdog chief says to quit if Iran attacked
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 11:01 PM
McClellan testifies to House Judiciary Committee
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 9:41 PM
Paul Alexander Machiavelli. Shadow: The Rise and Fall of Karl Rove.”
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 2:23 AM
Obama Backs Bill Giving Immunity To Telecoms
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 1:45 AM
Pigsy went to congress to handle a piece of his ass, and a republican just took the opportunity
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 8:54 PM
Or a China man
John Yoo, Totalitarian
By Paul Craig Roberts
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 6:20 AM
Ex-State Dept. official: hundreds of detainees died in U.S. custody, at least 25 murdered
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 5:45 AM
Democrats and the stench of complicity
Feingold: Wiretap deal no compromise, it's capitulation
Washington law professor : Wiretap deal would destroy 4th Amendment
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 5:23 AM
"Ultimately the bond of all companionship, wheather in marriage or in friendship, is conversation". Oscar Wilde
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 11:44 AM
Condi Rice: It's time for new blood in White House
I actually agree with that ugly bitch, maybe about time to see her blood splattering all over that ugly face
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 10:05 AM
Law school to plan Bush war crimes prosecution
Massachusetts School Of Law
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 8:48 AM
I Freed Millions From Barbarism, Says President With No Regrets
By Ned Temko
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 8:33 AM
No apologies from arrogant USA
By Yvonne Ridley
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 5:28 AM
Louisiana legislature passes creation bill-Opponents: “The Bible was never intended to be a science textbook”
Kathlyn Stone
Posted by UnkindByDesign at 3:34 AM
The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All