The good house negro & the Judeo-Nazi lobby
Uncle Tom's personal struggle against the truth
Black Santa Klaus put his religion in his pocket & went for a good old anal buggering at the AIPAC policy conference.
"Israel security is sacro-saint...", so it can continue to slaughter Palestinians at will, and treat like dogs those who haven't been killed or detained yet. Politically correct house nigger & friend of Israel went on for a full blown speech of lies, distortions, half truths and the most impeccable dishonesty regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue. What a disingenuous lying piece of shit you are Barack Obama, but don't sweat brother you made your point, no one is ever going to call an antisemite, they may try the good old "Muslim terrorist sympathizer" accusation though....This man is supposed to represent the new voice of America, the promissed radical change of American foreign policy, the brand new image that America wants to give to the world. Well take that and sit on it America.
video & transcript