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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ex-Secret Service agent reveals Chicago JFK plot

You called us Conspiracy nuts for decades, while i called you ignorants assholes, Guess who's the sucker today....

Abraham Bolden, a former Secret Service agent, tells CNN that he knew of a plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy in Chicago several weeks beforehand. Bolden is writing a book about the alleged plot titled "The Echo from Dealey Plaza: The true story of the first African American on the White House Secret Service detail and his quest for justice after the assassination of JFK."

According to CNN, the agent said that "just before President Kennedy was to go to Chicago in early November 1963, the agency got an important tip. An employee of a boarding house had seen rifles with telescopic sites and an outline of Kennedy's motorcade route in a room rented by Cuban nationals."

However, CNN correspondent Brian Todd noted that Bolden, for unspecified reasons, "would not go on camera with us or do a phone interview," so they also spoke to Lamar Waldron, author of "Ultimate Sacrifice," who "told us what he believed happened to the suspected Cuban hit man."

"From all indications, the surveillance on the two men were -- was blown somehow," Waldron said. "And so the two men were actually at large at the time that JFK was getting ready to leave Washington and come to Chicago."

Todd noted that "Kennedy's trip to Chicago was canceled," but that "it's not clear if it was because of a security threat."

"Contacted by CNN, the Secret Service would not comment on Abraham Bolden's claim, but did tell us he was separated from the agency in 1964 after being convicted of a crime," Todd added. "Published reports say Bolden was convicted of soliciting bribes from a counterfeiter, but that his accuser later recanted. Bolden claims he was framed."







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