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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Clarence Thomas, The contemptuous embarassment that won't go away

I wonder what is he going to do for a face when Rush Limbaugh wants his ass back


Watching Anita Hill getting down on Clarence Thomas fat black ass, was a breath of fresh air, especially considering the way the notorious first class house negro spend a considerable amount of time on the air, and in his book, trashing and attacking the woman who had the courage to hold him accountable for his despicable behavior. Clarence you dark lying sack of shit, nothing you can possibly do to redeemed yourself in the eyes of the general public, not even your pathetic attempt at reinventing yourself as a Black man, and then i saw your wife sitting by your side and holding your hand during an interview. Besides being white, she looks much like the Barbara Bush type. Your very own version of Barbara Bush, no wonder you went after your young and pretty secretary, i am sure your wife hasn't changed for the last 25 years, and she already had that grand ma characteristic when you used to watch porn movies over Antonin Scalia's house, and consequently, played Jack rabbit with your assistant...

Miss Anita Hill is a very dignified woman, even after your disgusting attack on her in the media during the past days, she refuses to reach your level, and remained calm and impeccably emotionless, when she should have disemboweled you alive.

One more thing Clarence, Anita Hill took the lie detector, you refused......







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