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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Scornful politics, scungy nation

a lesson in American ethics & scum moralism

Short legged lying sack of shit and Grand Peon of amnesia Alberto Gonzales, was indeed, according to recent documents, the Torquemada of the Bush administration. I am not much of an humanist and the issue of torture is better left to the individuals who face very specific situations or conditions, in which the lives of many rely on the informations that can be obtain by force. But not when the motivation and methodology behind the process of designating potential suspects and guilty individual, was as flawed and corrupted as the case of the United States phony war on "international terror" and "universal evil"......Hopefully in a world of principles and standard justice, a despicable little formation of human droppings like Alberto Gonzales , would be hanged at the international court of Justice. in front of the world's cameras

New York Times







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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