The ontological nature of epistemological disillusion
the case of Joseph cannon, Freudian projectionist extraordinaire
Funny and coincidental, someone mailed me and asked me about Joseph Cannon latest hysterical outburst at the loonies, when in fact, a little while ago i reacted to Joseph post by posting a response on his site, Response which will never be available to read.......God's lounge
My personal opinion is that Joseph Cannon "take" on that particular issue is motivated by pure & simple jealousy. The fact that the loonies are attracting more attention than he could possibly dream, the fact that "it won't go away", the fact that mainstream media is giving them more and more attention, and time passing by, the more we learn about 911, the more questions are being added to the mystery. The fact that crazy loonies theories are getting the front attention, while Joseph Cannon's reasonable loonies theories are relegated to an obscure blog. What is behind Joseph's motivation for loving to hate the loonies ?, pure & simple critical thinking...intellectual honesty, i seriously doubt it, especially when being aware of Joseph's own egocentrical dysfunction. When you relentlessly go after these people the way you do Joseph, it also tells a lot about you. Please don't refrain from calling me "ass & idiot" again. I think you are ignoring the fact that you are a part of "the conspiracy buff subculture" my dear Joseph, and I have a really hard time finding any value or credulity in the belief that the loonies & Alex Jones are among the most sinister elements in society past and present. Maybe in your own twisted mind little Joseph.