Wounded Iraq veteran dares Rush, 'Call me phony soldier to my face'
By Jason Rhyne.
VoteVets.org, a political group made up of veterans from US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, is launching an ad campaign which accuses conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh of insulting combat troops. The ad is a response to Limbaugh's use of the phrase "phony soldiers" on the air last week, a term he used following a caller's complaint that the press never talks to "real soldiers," instead speaking to troops critical of the war in Iraq that "come up out of the blue and spout to the media." According to a press release from the veterans group, the ad "takes on Rush Limbaugh for his contention that those who served in Iraq, but oppose the Bush administration's failed policies, are 'phony soldiers." "More and more troops and veterans of Iraq believe George Bush's military policy has been a disaster...I am one of them," says wounded Iraq veteran Brian McGough in the TV spot. " Rush Limbaugh called vets like me 'phony soldiers' for telling the truth about Iraq." "Rush, the shrapnel I took to my head was real," he continues."My traumatic brain injury was real. And, my belief that we are on the wrong course in Iraq is real. Until you have the guts to call me a 'phony solider' to my face, stop telling lies about my service." The $60,000 ad buy will air on Fox News and CNN. A radio version will run during the Rush Limbaugh Show in the D.C. and Palm Beach, Florida markets.
Democratic leaders have also been vocal of their criticisms of the Limbaugh remark. Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean has demanded an apology from Limbaugh, saying the remarks were "un-American, have no place in the public discourse, and show just how far he'll go to defend President Bush's failed policy in Iraq." Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid echoed that call yesterday from the Senate floor, saying "Rush Limbaugh took it upon himself to attack the courage and character of those fighting and dying for him and for all of us...Rush Limbaugh owes the men and women of our armed forces an apology." Limbaugh, however, maintains that the remark has misinterpreted, saying he was referring only to a specific veteran, Jesse MacBeth, who fabricated stories about serving in Iraq, where he said he had witnessed war crimes.
VoteVets.org, Save your precious money, there is more than one unemployed serial killer who would take half of the ad money, and do the job for you.