Anyone who told you to visit this blog, couldn't have given you any worse advice.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

You go to fight with the army you deserve

and don't expect me to feel bad about you, soldiers, remember, we were all supporting insurgents and Al Qaida, when we denounced this war for profit., you pathetic expendable pieces of meat.

"day short" troops now fighting the Army they served


Fuck you soldiers, you prostituted yourself to the worst pimp around...what do you expect in return. Anyway, anyone who is too stupid enough to fight for a bunch of criminals like the Bush administration shouldn't be allowed to complain about the way he chose to fucked himself. And what the hell is this " eligible for expanded educational benefits under the GI Bill".... what kind of socialist-Commie bullshit is that anyway. Haven't you learn the republican conservative mantra, that you have to care for yourself, be social welfare pussy.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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