Anyone who told you to visit this blog, couldn't have given you any worse advice.

Monday, October 8, 2007

News from the republican shit room


A probably sexually confused (lesbian but married) daughter of the vice repugnant president of the United States, and a definitely racist Virginia former senatorial scumbag without a job, to serve as advisers to presidential candidate Fredo Thompson of Hollywood. Fortunately ridicule doesn't kill anymore, at least under the sunlight of the republican party. Fredo doesn't stop at having a wife who looks like his grand daughter, he wants the full package, i guess having an openly racist individual who used to display a noose in his office is bound to provide him the votes he desperately needs.
What a Way to bring back dignity to the white house, Fredo....







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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