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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Pseudo intellectual carpet bagging

warning, stupidity can be contagious, There is such a thing as negative knowledge

Prepare for the one of the worst gastrointestinal infection of the month, Cspan Book TV is devoting few hours of precious broadcast time to the Grand master of anti liberal warfare, and barometer for agitprop trickery David Horowitz. The man who used to have a Bolshevik conspiracy attached to his missing right testicle, and sees sinister Communist activities under every bed.
Cspan is following on its astonishing mass exercise of socio-political pathology, and anthropological study of the neo-con verbal diarrhea brigade, after having hosted luminaries such as hammer of religion Christopher Hitchens, the baby face of puerile & infantile critical thinking & Mouthpiece of neo Conservative Cheer leading Dinesh D'Souza, the nobility of douche bag himself, Robert Novak, a-historical & grotesque farcical geopolitical analyst, and grand Dragon of incompetent strategy Robert Kagan, amazingly intellectually unchallenging first class house negro Justice Clarence Thomas, boorish petty & unsecured Frank Gaffney, and moral leper Tony Snow, the former spokesman for the "holier-than-thou" George Bush's administration

What is so great about America, is that it is about the only place on earth where such mediocre muckrakers and prepubescent thinkers can actually pretend & enjoy a sort of "intellectual" status. Gentlemen, praise the flag and be deeply grateful indeed to America, How lucrative being a bitter & hateful intolerant ignorant circus freak.
Book TV







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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