Anyone who told you to visit this blog, couldn't have given you any worse advice.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Don't need to be a trophy wife, to look like a cheap slut

With the Republican party, if you are a sluttish gold digging country chick, there is hope for the American dream

Jeri Thompson, wife of GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson is defending herself, against the trophy wife label given to her, by people who don't necessarily know better. "I was never an older-man-dater kind of girl before", but when i met that pathetic third grade actor who looked like my grand father, but with a lot of potential for cash, i just jumped on the sucker. I understand the feeling Honey,and with John Mc Cain own wife around, you won't feel too far from the Bordello. But personally after having spent quite an amount of time around hookers escort girls and strippers, i would definitively go for any of them, if i had to take bride. At least they know how to dress.

Huffington Post







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