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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The consecration of decrepitude

La vie en rose a l'Americaine, a quartet for hubris

Unapologetic political scumbag and Prolific author of "war pimping for dummies", John Mc Cain is on his way to win the nomination for the republican party, for the presidential election. Mc Cain is one of the finest representant of America's crassiest of the dumbest, never learning anything and always blaming others for their own limitation. Armed with an overwhelming smell of crude ignorance & disingenuous intent, and an expensive cloak of general sloppiness, false sentiment & outright dishonesty, Mc Cain is probably the best to represent his party, and further the uninterrupted process of discrediting America's image, as the ultimate Banana republic. Hopefully, considering his age, Mc Cain will probably be feeding the worms, before he has any chance to unleash a nuclear attack on Iran.

But i have the luxury to be cynical, something most Americans don't have.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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