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Sunday, June 15, 2008

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"When he looked around in the club he saw only a lot of conceited popinjays too selfish to think of making a good woman happy". Joseph Conrad "The End of the Tether" 1902

What is smoking Christopher Hitchens

When it comes to Iraq (like so many issues), Hitchens doesn't know shit from Jack, and regularly demonstrates with an impeccable precision, his complete ignorance and totale meticulous sheer dishonesty. Despite the refutations from every possible intelligence sources, national and international, hitchens still claims today that Al Qaida was not only firmly intrenched in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, but was also actually an entity protected by the Baghdad regime, when in fact Zarqawi at the time was a lonely wolf second class terrorist with no affiliation with Bin Laden's organization. But courtesy of fifth columnist Hitchens and his network of "Chalabists", we may have the privilege of becoming recipient of an underground stream of informations, that would place the tin foil hat conspiracy theorists in charge of the national security council of the strongest military power on the face of the earth. Zarqawi area of activity at the time, was limited to a Northern-East part of Iraq, near the Iranian border, a particular piece of real estate outside the control of Saddam Hussein, an haven for a pro-Iranian Kurdish terrorist faction engaged in a mortal combat against Hussein's regime. So please bear that in mind when you actually listen to the Jabba the Hutt of crackpot journalism telling you how Zarqawi, Bin Laden and mother Theresa were all in cahoot, but there is more to the cirrhotic insanity of the grand master of new speak. "There aren't any Jihadist forces that we know yet in Iraq....", words mentioned during a speech at the Institute for International studies in 22 April 20002. I guess Zarqawi wasn't on Hitchens mind on that particular day, Was he lying then, or just plainly ignorant ?, is he lying now or merely simply deceitful ?. whatever pill you are willing to absorb, Hitchens certainly didn't know shit at the time, and he is spreading it and feeding you with it today.....

Few of the great contrarian most famous quotations

God is not great, but George Bush is
It's the Islamo-Fascist, stupid
Wolfowitz made me do it
Self esteem ?, come back again...
Jihadists come by the 12, like those Coors packs at Wallmart







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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