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Friday, July 4, 2008

International disgrace

The ugly face of international politics

Condoleezza Rice says she's proud of decision to invade Iraq

Only someone without a conscience, or a moral compass would use the word "proud" to describe a decision that has resulted in the death of about a million individuals, misery and suffering on a Gargantuan scale. Stanford University has to be really proud. No doubt they will give her an office in the Hoover Institute, so that she can be a continuing source of pride. Rice is a real piece of work, a water carrier for an administration that distinguishes itself with ,flawed ideology Subversion, conspiracy, wars of aggression, torture, and myriad other crimes. The absolutely incompetent national security adviser that ignored the intelligence titled "Bin Laden poised to attack the United States", and so much more . Did anyone ever pointed out to her that there were no suicide bombers in Iraq before her beloved George decided to attack that country. A war crime indictment and a subsequent hanging should wipe that smile clean off her face.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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