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Friday, June 6, 2008

Rotten & dead

Vietnamese are like Americans, they do not torture

John Mc Cain and the mythical war hero bullshit

Lumpy faced republican Presidential candidate disability is not the result of torture at the hands of Vietnamese, but actually an injury acquired when he bailed out of his plane, after being shot above Hanoi, while dropping bombs and explosives ordinances on civilian population from 30,000 feet, in total violation & disregard to international laws. The Vietnamese subsequently beat the shit out of him, who wouldn't by the way.....and he was certainly subjected to the "dirty female pant abuse" & water boarding, techniques used by Americans, and which are not considered torture by American standards. Mc Cain was an alcoholic drunk worthless Navy pilot who had an alarming habit at crashing everything he got his hands on, killing Americans. killing Vietnamese, didn't really matter for "let me behind the wheel of that sucker. I'll blow anything..." Mad dog Mc Cain. The man is a war criminal and should consider himself lucky to be alive.







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