Daniel Pipes & the addictive scent of Islamophobia
Bend it like Daniel Pipes
I am not about to blame you if you don't have the slightest idea of who Daniel Pipes is . Pipes is an online psychic, conspiracy theorist & prolific megaphone for the anti Arabic fear machine. Daniel Pipes is a busy man, His destiny dramatically changed on 9/11, when under God's approval (the Christian one, according to American evangelist nutjobs), the dark armies of the Prophet released a succession of deadly attacks on God's favorite nation. That particular traumatic event had a significant impact on Pipes life. He decided to turn his dogmatic rhetoric, puerile & infantile critical thinking, to the cause of fighting the Mahometans & their idolatrous cult of death. The prepubescent a-historical thinker did not hesitated to jump on the Islamophobic bandwagon, dedicating his life to a quasi holy crusade of lies, distortions & falsifications against those dark skinned fanatics, who's only purpose in life, is about a divine access to a truckload of young virgins. Access which of course, comes through the destruction of Wall Mart, Disneyland & the cable news networks, pillars of American civilization, which are without a doubt, the envy of the rest of the world. Pipes became a regular figure & commentator on tabloids shows & conservative rags, his latest book, "Breaking the silence, uncovering the Islamo-Fascist plot to mass murder Christian puppies and American babies", became number one on the National Enquirer bestsellers list. Pipes is also an investigative writer, the courageous & audacious fellow, who once had the luminous idea to dressed up as a goat, in order to infiltrate an American Al Qaida secret cell. Idea, which has to this day been, endorsed, implemented and actively used by the Defense Intelligence agency, the Cia, the FBI, and Fox news network's Sean Hannity.
Pipes is somehow a funny little man with a peculiar sense of humor, a remarkable schizophrenic showcase, whose obsession with all thing Muslim only equals his morbid fascination for Oriana Fallaci, the female barometer for anti Arab hate speech & poster granny for the international neo Fascist. Pipes is actually an active member & choir boy in the Church of Oriana Fallaci, a mysterious Western esoteric fetishist cult, that is dedicated to worship the semi lunatic writings, speeches and dirty pants of late Oriana Fallaci. Pipes is involved in everything that releases an anti Arabic fumet, and as one of the most enthusiastic middle rank officer of the anti Muslim brigade, has also actively advocated for the deportation of Christopher Hitchens, the raving lunatic political comedian, someone Pipes sees as an Islamist mole inside the Washington establishment. America is a place where you cannot misunderestimate the size of the moron market, how lucrative being a bitter & hateful intolerant circus freak. Acting as a lying, deceitful and disingenuous prick does make one a political genius. Under any other circumstance, this farcical nitwit would be the subject of ridicule, someone who has as much integrity & credibility as Ann Coulter. But not in the land of the braves & ignorant.