And the beat goes on
that nigger is going to get gunned down anyway
Some pundit declared,"It is about time to put the Clinton campaign out of its misery...". Probably yes, because her desperation is becoming obvious to the extent she is hurting herself, while dreaming of harming others. Of course Obama is desperate to end the nomination before having to prove himself at the convention, and even more desperate to win the presidential election. He is not that soft spoken black genius who can walk on water and turn America into a land of rational individuals, who will renounce their hegemonic policies. This is the kind of shit you are strucked with, when you have on one side, a delusional pathological genocidal crazy old dingo, and on the other, a manipulative female rattle snake & the casual house negro who wants people to think he is walking on the right side of Jesus Christ. This is the best of what democracy has to offer.