Anyone who told you to visit this blog, couldn't have given you any worse advice.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Not as outrageous, but as disingenuous

Obama speech link

There is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. Stupidity is a lack of intelligence. Which one is yours....Barak Obama

Hamas. like it or not, is more than a mere terrorist organization. Besides the fact of being the "Frankensteinized " result of Israel policies at undermining Arafat and Fatah, and doing everything possible to fracture the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas is today the direct product of the will of the majority of Palestinians, who through a free & democratic process of election, expressed their distrust & rejection of the Palestinian authority, concentrating their votes on Hamas. As such, Hamas is the political organization supposed to represent & serve the interest of the Palestinian people, no such need as an American approval. Hamas has never expressed the intention of destroying Israel, but defines itself as a resistance movement to the Israeli occupation, and a political organisation aiming at the creation of an independent Palestinian state. The question of the recognition of the state of Israel, is an oxymoron, since the state of Israel exists, without the need for Palestinian opinion. Hamas leaders just as many other Palestinians, have always stated that the issue of recognition was a matter of reciprocity.
"Hezbollah poses the greatest threat to America and Israel in the Middle East...".
When was the last time Hezbollah attacked Americans or any American target on American soil. The only attacks against Americans or American interests took place in Lebanon, Hezbollah being a Lebanese political & military organisation, organisation also represented in Lebanon parliament. Hezbollah was a direct creation & response to Israel invasion of Lebanon. They have better things to do than playing hanky spanky with Americans, matter of fact, they don't really give a shit about America. I won't even start with Iran, because you probably wouldn't even be capable of locating the country on a fucking map.

Barak Obama, it surely hurts your feeling when Bush calls you a Nazi appeaser, when in fact you have been all along the perfect knee jerk for Aipac & the politically correct way to approach the Israel-Palestine issue. I am often being labeled as a despicable anti-Semite, but at least i have the privilege of knowing why.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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