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Friday, May 9, 2008

Barack Obama, yes we can

The more i watch Obama, the more i despise him. Someone who's intellectual dishonesty becomes overwhelmingly abysmal day by day. A cunningly dangerous deceptive individual who doesn't hesitate to say and do anything that may brings momentum. He, by himself represents the archetype of mainstream America. & the particular pathology of American society. Rejection of reality, revision & falsification of history, the cult of moral righteousness, & the conviction of being & representing what is best for human kind. Obama personifies the dysfunctional society running under a dysfunctional socio-political leadership. A society that praises Christian values but don't blink upon the atrocities, lies and crimes committed by his government and with the support of the people. A society that always find the best reason to commit the worst atrocities. In the CNN interview Obama declares, "Hamas is a terrorist organization, we should not negotiate with them unless they renounce violence & recognize Israel..". Terrorist organization, Not anymore, Mr Senator. Hamas is supposed to represent the political entity which was elected by the largest majority of Palestinians to represent them. (through an open democratic electoral process...)Does the concept of democratic electoral process still means something in America. Certainly not for the verminous political establishment that has built an election system requiring and running on hundred of millions of dollars. An absolute & utterly corrupted political system from which you are an essential element, Mr Black Messiah. Your country just slaughtered about a million individuals in Iraq only, but you believe you have the right & the duty to pass judgement on peoples who have been fighting the occupation of their lands for more than 40 years. Try again....I hate to watch disingenuous condescending quack like Obama, this is one idiot who thinks the rest of us are as idiotic as he is. The petty teacher without color, lecturing a world of illiterate peasants. So here we have Jesus own little Black brother, riding on high horse and taking up the big road to enlighten us, with his 13 yr old wisdom, and his extensive understanding of the complexities of the world. Seems like the world has been waiting for you Obama. And i can't wait for the great pseudo Negro-Afro" to blow my mind. "the world is anxious, i think the world want us, the United States to lead...", "how do we keep nuclear weapons out of Iranian's hands...". No shit!.., Who the fuck do you think you are Mr halfbreed. You believe you can speak on behalf of the world, you delusional egocentric wackjob. If you honestly believe the world is awaiting for the US leadership, you're on your way to discover something severely painful somewhere around your ass cheek. You don't have the guts to speak the truth, and that's the reason your former pastor ran his train on you. You don't have that "Black thing" , you are just a clean cut mulatto with an agenda & a bridge to sell. No jive but all that sleaze, no wonder you're having problems with Bill & Hillary. You are running on the same dope.

the mouth of the just shall meditate wisdom, but this is what happens when you're out of Viagra and let your penis do the talking.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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