Pimping for ridicule, Max Boot the Forrest Gump of American imperialism
There are few common denominators between the Superhawk armchair kombattants. Their personal appearances (not one of them would pass the physical....),from the useless paraplegic agitated Charles Krauthammer, to mass murdering-orgasmic William Kristol, up to Frank Gaffney the sniggering face of crypto-Nazism & professor of ethnic cleansing. All of them are professionals of the sound biting idiocy, they believe in myth, magical & supernatural & preach revision history. Firmly bonded in their ludicrous narcotic conviction of representing the paragons of hyper rectitude, and an equally risible demonstration of deranged behavioral interaction with society, such as pumping up the fist and fantasizing about showing the rest of the world how militarily & economically tough America is.., especially on relatively defenseless third world shitholes. In fact, upon observing their incessant frenetic ballet of goofiness & wackiness, what is left is an amazing public demonstration of their private neuroses and anxieties. It is self-evident that these individuals are seriously deranged, and their sophomoric & dangerous rhetoric represent a psychopathology of arrogance, hubris and hostile energy, which expresses itself through a psychological projectivity. Take for instance Max Boot, one of those erratic creatures, originally a Russian hobo, who emigrated to the US with his beggar family in 1976. Since, He became an "expert" on "Defense policy; defense budget; proliferation; nation-building and peacekeeping; democracy and human rights; U.S. grand strategy; national security; military technology; military history; U.S. foreign policy; terrorism and guerilla warfare; terrorism; media". Ain't that a bitch, the American dream....i wish i could....Boot boy. Boot is a contributing editor to various conspiratorial fringe right wing rags, member of the usual neoconservative circus think thanks, and writes pseudo-scholarly books on issues such as guerrilla warfare, past wars, present wars, future wars, fictional wars, war & Santa Klaus, Jesus war, war for all, war & love, the war against peace, and the effect of menstruation cycles on clandestine CIA operatives. There is not a war or an armed conflict where Americans have been involved, for which Boot didn't have an erection for. Boot is is the personification of the boy love for the tough guy, the ecstatic worship of power from the physically weak & intellectually feeble. Yet Boot-boy & his cohort of psychotic bozos have the luxury to be as buffoonish as they are. There is no risk at losing a limb, your life, or a considerable amount of blood, when you lube that pro-war slob & masturbate yourself through ridiculous magazines, discredited newspapers and hyper-emotional pre-pubescent TV networks. For a couple of months, Boot was also one of Eleana Benador's boys, the egomaniacal dwarfish creature, founder of Benador Associates, the creme of the creme of the Alter-Fascist pseudo-intellectual wankers.
Max, you mean helpless little bitch, you have to get yourself over there (in a fucking uniform & carrying a weapon, not as a faggish war journalist) to see & smell the dead, get covered with the blood, shit & piss of someone who made contact with a 50 round.
Max Boot, I have seen clowns before, and your are one of them.