Scaring the kids and pissing off the grownups
OK, i want to make something as clear as possible, and not because i really give much importance to the usual accusations of anti-Semitism (something that comes with the territory....), but because it gives me the opportunity to address the issue while administrating an educational bitch slap at my petty detractors. Anti Semitic moi ?, not the least. Considering that every single post on this blog, critical of the state of Israel and its policies, is done as such (socio-political-ethical context). and not on the base of any vulgar & mentally retarded racist-xenophobic ideology. Do i go as far as questioning the existence of the state of Israel ?. Certainly, and based on international jurisprudence, not in accordance with a particular personal animosity towards Jews. Furthermore, i have never advocated the destruction of the state of Israel, merely the constitution of an equitable non religious state where Jews, Arabs and others may live in peace and harmony. There is enough space to build such state, but what is lacking is the will. Jews used to be a part of the diversity of religious & ethnic communities who, prior to the creation of the state of Israel, represented the population of Palestine. I have no beef with the Jews who were natives or inhabitants of Palestine, before a bunch of European intellectual atheists decided the dispossession of the lands of Arabs living in Palestine, and deprive them of the right to live in a country from which they were natives. I am indeed questioning beyond the motivation & the rational for creating a "Jewish homeland", the deontological & practical bases on which the process of creating, building and establishing that "Jewish homeland" was done. The hypocritical stench, when i am told that the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs was justified, because of the need for Jews to have a place on their own. Someone had to pay for what Europeans did to their own Jews. The elimination of Palestinian Arabs was therefore justified by the holocaust itself. I do loathe any of those individuals, who today engage in apologetic lip service for an apartheid regime who's foundations lies on a racist constitution and anti-secular principles. Today the notion of Jewish race has become an unquestioned rational among academic, political and general discourse, but not so long ago, the anti Semite themselves were using the same pathological argument to make their case. When i was a kid, to regard the Jews as a race, was considered racist & totally inappropriate, a shameful residue of the belief system that produced the Nuremberg laws. The very notion & the concept of Jewish race is ridiculous. How could that be, there are Black African Jews, Arab Jews, European Jews, Scandinavian Jews, Asian Jews. Jews are present among the citizens and natives of almost every nations on earth. Judaism is a religion, not associated with genes and DNA. If you do not follow the precepts of the Judaic religion, you cannot consider yourself to be a Jew (despite the Jewish law that proclaims that having a Jew mother does make one a Jew himself). Is there something such as the Christian race ?, is it possible to label me as a Christian, if i consider myself an atheist, and despite having parents who may hold belief in the Christian faith. Most of Zionism founders & leaders were atheists themselves, the accusation of anti-Judaism could have been launched at them, and considering the virulent antipathy that some of those Zionists hold for Jews in general, the case for the collusion of anti-Judaism and anti-Jewish wouldn't be an exaggeration. On top of that, they also shared a profound contempt for the local Arab population of Palestine, and Arabs in general (who are Semite), sealing off the case with an anti-Semitic twist to an already explosive cocktail of anti-Judaism and anti-Jewish components. The anti-Semite canard is a vacuous argument, and you are more than welcome to change it to anti-Zionist.