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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Le fou du peuple

The golden cow of the intellectual left, is gracing us with his latest inevitable gemstone on Iran. Chomsky is much like everybody else in the American left establishment of his generation. An old molted prehistorical animal without means, something that doesn't make much sense. He hasn't changed, & his exotic semantic has remained the same, irrationally useless in today's socio-political environment. His pseudo-indignation is even more grotesque, because of its moderation, correctness, and partly because of the egocentric polemist's refusal to denounce the real sickness of today's society, to directly confront the political establishment, attack those in power, and his failure to hold them accountable. Chomsky is someone who very cleverly measures & calculates the intensity & the level of his outrage. His revolt always bears the same outdated & tarnished gleam. L'effet d'une démagogie blasée et usée, d'un maître de la pensée d'opposition correcte & contrôlée, et surtout toujours bien pensante. The supreme & mighty gate keeper of the politically correct.

Elite policy & the axis of evil
By Noam Chomsky







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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