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Saturday, May 10, 2008

American social exorcism, the distressing politically correct expectoration from public discourse

Americans, having nothing better to occupy their minds with, are still gargling about the reverend Wright recent comments. whatever you agree or not with his personal beliefs & the implications of his message, it is difficult to argue about the fact, that this is a man who has at least, contrary to politician scumbags..., the courage to hold onto his convictions & shows no grudge about expressing himself, even under the most difficult & biased condition. A man of his words, and a man by his words. Wright does not shy away from what he believes, in fact, his personal beliefs define who he is as an individual, loved or hated, and i have the deepest respect for what he did and how he did it. He did not hesitate to stomp Obama for his hypocrisy, and reveal who Obama really is. A politician....willing to say & do anything that will benefits him as a politician. It took quite a lot of balls for Wright to do just that, going after the potential future president, and someone who is the subject of a quasi divine worship from a large segment of the American population. You cannot speak ill of Jesus, and Barack Obama. As an atheist and beyond Wright's religious rhetoric, I am personally pretty much in agreement with his socio-political bombastic comments, even in regard to the Aids issue, i would refrain (like he did) from delivering any particular final personal position on the matter, But like the Rev Wright, and based on historical records ,i have the firm conviction that the US government or any branch of the US government is absolutely capable of perpetuating or being involve into nefarious activities, which may harms, inflicts, or causes damage upon a particular layer of its citizens. This is beyond the mere speculative outcome of a paranoid mind. Does the US government have the technology, the appropriate infrastructure, the potential willing, and the financial backbone required to engage in such activities ?. If the answer is yes, then what remains is barely an issue of motivation. Those who question such "conspiracy thinking" on the base of social & moral ethics, and political deontology, have certainly failed to notice throughout history, the incessant ballet of concentration camps, genocides, ethnic cleansing, wars, massacres, invasions, coup d'etat and political assassinations. I may also occasionally listen at Louis Farrakhan, and personally retain the vision of an agitated imbecile, but i find difficult to understand why his message is considered more outrageous than those of his wacky Christian counterparts.







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