Barack Obama, & the search for Black deep throat
The ontological implications of barking at the moon
Obama mentions ‘Grand Theft Auto’ in comments about media influence on children
It is absolutely amazing that those who scream the most about society morality, are always among the most corrupted elements of the system they relish at denouncing. They are also convinced that morality stops at the door of their own stable. Take for example the Senatorial moronic asshole Barack Obama, someone who never ceases to amaze me, because of his ability at improving on a daily base, a level & a degree of deceitfulness, that is certainly the envy of many. Suckers of the world, all roads do not lead to the Vatican, but as a dishonorable & a disgraced leader among other pricks of the same caliber, Obama is certainly on his way, to becoming your pope. Obviously, Obama is not the type of person willing at being silent in regard to the most controversial issues facing today's society. And once again he took the opportunity, to engage & comment on the crucial & vital controversies surrounding the infamous video game "Grand Theft Auto".
"Those video games are raising our kids....." , "Part of our job is gonna have to be to inspire the entire country to say, How are we giving our kids a thirst for knowledge?".
You hypocritical self righteous son of a bitch. You have the nerve to whine about a fucking video game, when as a leading politician, you are a participant & a major player in an establishment that is rotten to the core, a system that relies on deceptions, manipulations, lies and outright criminality, a system that perpetuates myths, promotes fear & ignorance. A society and a political system for which slaughtering millions of individuals, is nothing but a way to conduct foreign policy, a practical exercise of promotion and preservation of American interests.
Stay down Nigga...
( Nigga is a word which evolved from the derogative term "nigger". Tupac best defined the distinction between the two. NIGGER- a black man with a slavery chain around his neck. NIGGA- a black man with a gold chain on his neck).