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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fear no evil, but ridicule

on the human personification of moronity who captured the essence of cretinism

The physical representation of ignorance, psychopathic behavior and pathological abusive personality was seen at the United Nations, where he made his best at trying to avoid mumbling, but his presentation was fidele a lui meme...Pathetic. But to illustrate the funny and fuzzy analogy of Iran's president with America's very own psychopathic leader, let's read some excerpts of CBS Scott Pelley's Interview With Iran's Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Mr. President, American men and women are being killed by your weapons in Iraq. You know this.

Mr. President, I want to be very direct and very clear. Many Americans believe that you have American blood on your hands. Are you saying that it is not the policy of this government to send weapons into Iraq? Sir, forgive me, you're smiling, but this is a very serious matter to America.

I asked President Bush what he would say to you if he were sitting in this chair. And he told me, quote, speaking to you, that you've made terrible choices for your people. You've isolated your nation. You've taken a nation of proud and honorable people and made your country the pariah of the world. These are President Bush's words to you. What's your reply to the president?

These are few among many questions, which can be applied to Bush himself.

Just like the little naughty brat who discovered he could easily offend people by touching himself in public, showing his little penis, playing with his own feces, and screaming "shit, piss, fuck, cunt. ass" at will.. President shit for brain addressing the world about terror, democracy, freedom and more terror to come......

And Queen George, during your speech, you had the stomach to speak to the the world about the declaration of human rights and unilateral right to freedom, justice, peace and much murderous, torturer son of a bitch







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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