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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Who is she fucking now

A tale of political filth, when the New York Times gets down with the White House petty bureaucratic thug

I was wondering about Judith Miller whereabouts. Fact is, she is now working for the right-wing think tank Manhattan Institute in New York, which means she doing jack shit, solely associating herself with other right wings circus intellectuals whose understanding of the world geopolitics, is as accurate as my own understanding of the Vatican sewing system. Miller is that New York times cheap & sluttish paper pushing post menopausal fruit cake who used to literally fuck her "sources" (slept with scooter Libby) but protect them from potential judicial & legal miss fortunes, when the shit was getting through the fan. She is the meanless bitch who Played & manipulated the bioterror threat to promote her book Germs, co-authored with Times-men Steven Engelberg and William Broad, while the book was in the bookstores and getting a Viagra inducing erection in the best seller list, after Judith opened an envelope of white powder (which turned out to be pigeon droppings...) in her office desk at the New York Times, her book was #6 on the New York Times best seller list. The following week (October 21, 2001), it reached #2. By October 28, --at the height of her fear-mongering campaign--it was up to #1. Like Alexander Cockburn said, If we were cynical...we could advance the hypothesis that Judith played us like she did with the Plame's case....

sources for Miller's book charts, Alexander Cockburn.







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