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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Psychotomimetics for the mass

the syngenesis of gullibility, psychological disorder & social psychosomatics

NY Times

i am all too aware about the eagerness from academics. scientists to reconcile religion with the scientific and rational realm, and i strongly reject and despise that enterprise and those active and involve in it. This initiative is not only flawed from scratch, the antithesis of blind faith is the process of scientific methodology , but also deeply dangerous to society itself (trinity of social narcotics , politics, policies, religion). This social-religious enterprise is nothing but an attempt at undermining the irrational psychodynamics of a dysfunctional society. there is no doubt that religion can not only undermine, but also affect & sterilize intellectual and psychological development. Freud & Jung used to believe that an organized belief in god protected the individual from having to face and address his fears, internal & external. religion brings an element of magical primitivism and plays on fantasies of omnipotence so central to early stages of childhood development (Melanie Klein studies), which means that an adult with any sort of religiosity or religious faith & consciousness, is never really an adult.
You cannot put adults with deep irrational beliefs and childlike mind set (if not mentally instable mind-set), in a position of power.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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