Anyone who told you to visit this blog, couldn't have given you any worse advice.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Turning years of shovelling shit into a big spiritual journey

the case in which living with delusions, is not an alternative

Everybody in Washington has known for decades, that if you lay down with dog, you wake up with flees, in the same manner if you sexually associate a psychopath & pathological lying son of a bitch like George Bush with a pharmacicated brain dead fruit cake like Laura Bush, you are bound to produce twerp. In the present case, the infamous duo have produced two. One of them, is talking to the Texas monthly about what it means to be a Bush, and in particular to be the daughter of that despicable homicidal maniac and liar in chief, George Bush. Can you feel for that insignificant little thing, when she asked for her dad to be left alone.....I would consider that, only in the presence of the international court of justice executioner. And Jena, not only you look like your dad, but smell like him.







The Intellect is Not a Serious Thing, and Never Has Been. It is An Instrument on Which one Plays, That is All

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